At Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Summit, the chip giant announced a collaboration with Razer to launch a new category by merging high-end smartphone gaming with physical game controls. The resulting reference design is designed to inspire a new category to steal thunder from the Nintendo Switch and shave off a slice of the hardcore mobile gaming market. We analyze whether the move rekindles the convergence vs. standalone device debate. Meanwhile, in another kind of merging, Samsung is bringing together its mobile and consumer electronics groups as its competitive landscape changes. We dig into whether the move can boost the company’s ecosystem strength
Episode 105. Big Tech battles in China and the U.S., TikTok could become LinkedIn for millennials, and Qualcomm makes its dream
China’s taking a different approach to reeling in its biggest tech successes than the U.S. Meanwhile, TikTok continues continues to stretch its service into new realms with video resumes. And Qualcomm partners with ASUS to launch a phone for a technology showcase. Is it the start of a successor to Google’s failed Nexus program?
Join Shawn DuBravac of Avrio Institute and Ross Rubin of Reticle Research as they dig deep into tech news in every episode of Techspansive!
Episode 89. Microsoft Meshes us into VR, smartwatch sales flatten out, and Square and Qualcomm make musical moves
Join Shawn DuBravac of Avrio Institute and Ross Rubin of Reticle Research as they provide insights on the biggest tech stories, including:
-whether Microsoft can holoport customers to VR collaboration with its new Mesh offering
—how Square hopes its investment in Tidal brings music to the Street’s ears and how Qualcomm hopes to drown out Apple’s AirPods with Qualcomm Snapdragon Sound.
—what the latest smartwatch market numbers mean for Apple, Huawei, and Google.
Episode 66. Cheap 5G, the Pricey Galaxy Z, and Moving In With Alexa
In this episode, Shawn and Ross examine the impact of Qualcomm’s plans to bring 4G to entry-level phones. Plus, we take on how Samsung can justify it’s $2,000 Galaxy Z Fold 2 during the pandemic. And finally, how Alexa Residential is offering homebuilders a chance to welcome new buyers with a familiar helpful assistant.
Episode 28: A Week of Reconciliation
In this episode, Shawn and Ross feel the love as they discuss the sudden reconciliation between Apple and Qualcomm’ just as its court case was getting underway and the role Intel likely played along with Amazon’s and Google’s progress toward supporting each others’ video efforts. Then, the Lightning Round includes discussion of the Samsung Galaxy Fold screen issues, free music tiers for smart speakers from Amazon and Google, and Google opening up Android in the EU to new browser and search engine choices. Plus, we celebrate the launch of the podcast’s new web home at
Episode 12: Qualcomm, Intel, Moore’s Law, and the Future of Streaming Video
In this episode, Shawn DuBravac and Ross Rubin discuss the announcements that Qualcomm made at its Snapdragon Summit — first up, some impressive new applications for artificial intelligence, Then we assess the company’s entrance into the PC market against a charging Intel and the state of Moore’s Law. Finally, we discuss how Facebook’s latest rumored push into premium video may bring it into a crowded field, but one in which it brings some significant advantages.